Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Loosen Your Tie

let's all have a big collective sigh of relief that my Robin Hood scene is OVER!

that was a good experience. honestly. i learned alot. and made mistakes early on. which i see as critical. because had i made this mistake later on when the class got more serious.. i would have died. but Nick El Ass if you;re reading this though highly doubtful, it was fun. legit. until the end.


The Remus Lupins, Justin Finch Fletchley and the Whomping Willows are having a FREE show in Santa Monica on Staurday.

The Nargles will be conducting thier first interview at the show with our biggest fans Roxy and friends. THANK YOU SO MUCH. seriously, if someone goes to a show just because YOU are going, it;s a good life.

still living with Tonia Baker.

Still single. :(

-Miranda Goshawk

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sick as a fish.

do fish get sick?

can it be hotter than a monkey on a tuesday morning?

the Partin,Roybal Eastman family is a hospital right now. and THANKFULLY i have yet to really catch the sickness as bad as the rest.

oh but i did sustain my first NORMAL injury, i fell on my skateboard on my way to occ and smashed my knee to numbness and swelled up my elbow pretty bad.

luckily a nice old gardening type lady took me to school and i went to the health center and got ice on my kneee and stuck my arm in a vat of blood which, when tooken out, my arm looked liek someone pissed on it. it was really just iodine.

now i am taking ibuprofen constantly to ease the swelling and pain.

on other nonrelated de@th** injuries, i had an interview at Puzzle Zoo today and have another for Papyrus on monday. YESSSSS

anddddd we are still NOT moved out, my mother insists she hasnt given up but honestly she doesnt know when to surrender to a losing battle. frankly, i wanna live with Tonia B for a month. :)

okay, i've updated you on life ths far once again.


** death is taboo to me now. i said it just before i fell down. and not because i was falling, because i went over a crack in the street.