Monday, February 1, 2010

Garfield On A Monday.

Started spring semester with a PARTY HARD! attitude. that lasted until after my Pre Calc class when like 60 kids were petitioning my Prep Gen Chem class with me. >:(

Here's the deal, you can't take the lectre with out the lab and the lab only holds 28 students in 5 possible classes. and assuming i get into this pre calc class, i can only take 1 of the 4 possible lab classes. and so far about 1 and a half are not going to take me. soooo i'm super frustrated with this.

And I'm not just taking science cause its a general education transfer requirement liek all those other students. NO, I AM A FREAKING FUTURE NASA SCIENTIST!! If I don't start getting into these bottom chemistry classes I will never work for NASA. Ever. Cause I will be too behind on my life. And what's more, I can just say good bye to my internship this fall if all I have to put down for experience is HIGH SCHOOL chemistry. So if you're reading this and you care about me or the future of the Ozone.... or if you like praying for people and love food..... PRAY FOR ME AND IF I GET IN I WILL BUY YOU FOOODZ!!

Speaking of college, I'm looking at all the recent Mesa gradz at OCC and who have gone to other college/universities and maaaaaaan am I glad that I left when I did. No offence but you guys have really effed your lives up with all your partying and shizzz. Y'all are fatties and drunks. Once again, no offence. I just felt like being a little mean. Oh and seeing you litle hellions runnign around my territory like a chicken without a head is HIGHlarious. I've been here for three years so I dont look ritarded and I know where the technology building is. Mean....again.... It's that kinda blogging night.

Well, my eyes are fuzzing out. Cause I'm tired. So, I'm going to listen to Costello and doze out.

Nighty Night Lozerbeams


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